Women's Ministry

Mission Statement:
EQUIP women in the study and application of God's word so as to be transformed by the image of Christ.
ENCOURAGE women to use the unique gifts He has given them for the edification of the body, and
EXTEND our outreach to the community with opportunities to share the gospel.

Director of Women's Ministries:
Rebecca Rubeor

Women's Bible Studies and Small Groups

Ongoing Studies

Monday  Evening Bible Study - The Bible Book Club

The Bible.  It's been the #1 book sold since the day it was written, but have you read it!  And if you read it, did you understand it?  The Bible Book Club podcast reads every word of the Bible and provides context and commentary to help you understand the text in amazing new ways.  This binge worthy podcast illuminates God's Living Word with "Bible Benders" that will blow your mind.  We will listen to several podcast episodes each week and then get together to share what we have discovered.  Whether it's your first time reading the Bible, or you are a seasoned pro, lifelong church goer or newbie, this podcast is for you!  Let's read, discuss, and explore the only book ever written that can change our lives forever.  Welcome to the club!
Monday Evenings
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Studying: Season 1 - The Book of Genesis
Location: EBC Fellowship Hall

Thursday Evening Bible Study - Studying the Bible with the 4R Method

Want to grow closer to God?  Study the Bible for yourself and turn it into a conversation with God using the 4R method - Request, Read, Record and Respond.  Challenge yourself to spend 10 weeks reading and responding to God's Word daily through the book of acts.
Thursday evenings
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Fellowship Room #2
Bring a Bible and a notebook/journal

Moms in Prayer

Are you concerned about your kids?  Mom's in Prayer groups meet for just one hour a week.  Mothers, grandmothers, aunts and teachers are welcome to come learn how to pray for the children they love using scripture as a prayer tool.  If your children are in school or college, you will also be able to pray for their teachers, curriculum, and all that touches their lives in the academic world.  There's so much joy and comfort knowing our children are covered in prayer!

If you are interested in connecting with a Mom's In Prayer Group, you can email Pat Rohm.  Click here to email Pat

If you have any questions or concerns, Rebecca would love to hear from you!